Here we are – on the brink of the scariest holiday of the year. Your tiny ghosts and goblins will soon be begging to go trick-or-treating. And this is where a parent starts to worry. How do I let my child celebrate this spooky fun without ruining their pretty smile? And while things have changed and Halloween isn’t quite the same as last year, ask yourself – how can I monitor my child’s oral health during this sugar-infused time of year? Here are some pediatric dental tips to keep in mind when going through your little monsters’ stash:
Remember: Tiny humans live for this day. Not only do they get free candy from the neighbors, but they get to be anything they want for one whole day. That’s a dream for most kids! Depriving them of the sweets will not only make your child upset but won’t make life at home very peaceful.
Instead of denying them the sweets, have them choose a set number of candies they want the most and let them have them. In addition to the limitation of sweet treats, set up a time of day that your child will be able to eat that candy. Similar to snack time at school, having a time when your little one knows a snack is allowed teaches them that snacking isn’t an all-day event, making them less inclined to crave sweets all day. Afterwards, have them rinse with a glass of water to keep cavities at bay.
When sorting through the Halloween sacks, save the favorites and get rid of the rest. Out of sight, out of mind. Bonus? You can have your own stash or donate them to others in need. Everyone should have Halloween candy, just in moderation.
For more information regarding snoring, contact Drs. Freund and Waterloo today at 847-251-8990 or visit www.villagedentalpc.com.
Drs. Chad Freund and Cathy Waterloo proudly serves Kenilworth and all surrounding areas.