When it comes to improving our smiles, we will generally choose the best options with the least amount of hassle or pain. And guess what? There is a way for you to have a beautiful smile in a single office visit thanks to CEREC®.
CEREC® allows our doctors to quickly restore damaged teeth with natural-colored ceramic fillings, saving patients time and inconvenience because the fabrication of all ceramic dental restorations takes place in one office visit. We no longer need to create temporaries or take impressions and send them to a lab. Because of this, the traditional second visit has been eliminated. Imagine that – you are in and out with a permanent, all-ceramic dental crown, onlay, or veneer. Fewer injections, less drilling, and less time out of your hectic schedule for dental care!
The tooth that requires a CEREC® restoration is prepared and a 3D photograph is taken of the prepared tooth. From there, we use computer-aided design CAD software to create the restoration digitally.
Using a single block of porcelain that is color-matched to your current tooth shade, the digitally designed restoration is sent to a milling machine where your restoration is cut. The milling process usually takes about 15 minutes per restoration. Once the restoration is finished being milled, it is fitted onto the prepared tooth and adjusted until the bite is accurate.
Not only is it a time-saver, but these tooth-colored restorations mean no more silver fillings or discoloring smiles. The filling is natural-looking, compatible with tissue in the mouth, anti-abrasive, and plaque-resistant giving you the longest-lasting, best-looking restorations.
For more information regarding CEREC same day crowns, contact Drs. Chad Freund and Cathy Waterloo today at 847-251-8990 or visit www.villagedentalpc.com.
Drs. Freund and Waterloo proudly serves Kenilworth and all surrounding areas.