We are days away from 2022 – are you ready for it? Does it include making resolutions? For many of us, a new year means a fresh start at creating the life we always wanted. We improve our health, our financial situations, even our relationships with each other. We make a list of promises and hope to be able to achieve those promises as the year progresses.
Unfortunately, this list of to-dos can become daunting. No one want to be stressed out trying to achieve these goals they’ve set for themselves, but studies over the past two decades have shown a direct link between stress, anxiety and gum disease. Heightened stress contributes to the lowering of the body’s immune system. So, if you are feeling overwhelmed working on yourself, take a moment to calm yourself down a bit. Because stress can cause other dental health risks:
Bruxism. This is a condition where sufferers grind their teeth unconsciously, especially while they’re asleep. If diagnosed, wear a custom night guard while sleeping.
Canker sores. While experts have yet to pinpoint the exact cause of canker sores, stress has been known to cause it.
Dry mouth. Certain medications used to treat depression, which by the way may be caused by stress, can cause dry mouth.
Burning mouth syndrome. Characterized as a burning sensation on either the tongue, lips, gums or palate.
Lichen planus. This is a condition where white lines, sores and ulcers appear in the oral cavity somehow caused by the body’s reaction to the viral infections brought about by stress.
TMJ/TMD. The trauma from the constant tooth grinding is, as well as anxiety and depression, are all very well-known causes of TMJ.
For more information regarding stress, contact Drs. Freund and Waterloo today at 847-251-8990 or visit www.villagedentalpc.com.
Drs. Chad Freund and Cathy Waterloo proudly serves Kenilworth and all surrounding areas.