A Guide to Cavities: What You Need To Know | Kenilworth Dentist

A woman flossing to show that flossing is an important aspect of oral care

Cavities are part of health and hygiene discussions from the moment we begin brushing- or throw a fit about it. Cavities are preventable and treatable; it’s important to be aware of what causes cavities and how dentists treat them. Here are some top things to know about cavities, and how they re treated.

How Do Cavities Happen?

Sugar– While sugar doesn’t cause cavities, like citric acid, it contributes to the likelihood you may develop one. Sugar is a harmful bacteria’s favorite food, so the longer sugar lingers on your teeth, the more likely that bacteria will begin to eat it. This weakens your enamel and creates opportunities for that harmful bacteria to hang around and cause a cavity.

Acidic Foods– Citric acid contained in lemons, limes and oranges also pops up as an ingredient in processed foods. Citric acid and others weaken teeth and put enamel in danger of erosion which in turn creates crevices for bacteria to stick and become a cavity. It would be difficult to avoid citric acid, so the best thing you can do is consume water throughout the day and keep the intake of acidic foods to a minimum.

Children and Cavities

Believe it or not, children are not more prone to develop cavities than adults, but there are factors that may put children and elderly individuals at more risk for tooth decay. Children tend to crave and eat sugary foods while doing a poor job brushing their teeth. The elderly tend to take medication that reduces the amount of saliva they produce thus reducing the neutralization properties of saliva. Drinking water throughout the day and regular dental visits can help both children and their grandparents to reduce the chances harmful bacteria may cause a cavity.

How Are Cavities Treated?

If you wake up to a toothache or notice black spots on a tooth, you may have a cavity. Cavities are a common occurrence and dentists have several means of treating them. Treatment options vary depending on how advanced the tooth decay has become.

Simple Decay- Fluoride treatments and fillings are viable treatment options if the cavity is in its early stages. Your dentist will apply a solution to the decaying tooth to kill harmful bacteria and place a filling where the cavity was to seal the area to prevent further decay. This is a fairly simple and painless method for cavity removal, as well as the most common treatment option.

Serious Decay- If the cavity has progressed beyond the ability for a fluoride treatment to remove the bacteria, crowns, root canals and tooth extraction are a dentist’s next line of defense. Crowns are custom coverings for decaying teeth; typically made from porcelain, they work to strengthen your effected tooth once the bacteria has been removed. If the decay reaches the inner tooth, or pulp, your dentist will remove the pulp, medicate it to clear any infection and add a filling. Tooth extraction is a last resort option when the decayed tooth is beyond restoration. Your dentist may recommend a bridge or implant for the gap.

For more information regarding dental exams, contact Drs. Freund and Waterloo today at 847-251-8990 or visit www.villagedentalpc.com.

Drs. Chad Freund and Cathy Waterloo proudly serves Kenilworth and all surrounding areas.

Debunking Fluoride Misconceptions | Kenilworth Dentist

Dental tools shown to depict the tools dentists use

Believe it or not, fluoride is a controversial mineral. Proponents of fluoride tout its ability to aid in the fight against cavities and tooth decay. Opponents say fluoride is a harmful neurotoxin that has been pumped into our community’s water without express permission by the people.

While trace amounts of fluoride have been added to public water for decades, it has yet to cause widespread neurological issues. According to smiledentalcenterct.com, “research has shown that by adding fluoride to public water supplies, tooth decay-related conditions decline by 25 percent among adults and children.” The addition of fluoride is meant to be a public health benefit, rather than a source of controversy.

As with anything, there is such thing as too much fluoride; two dental visits a year and drinking community water, however, isn’t likely to cause harm. Too much fluoride can cause dental fluorosis that changes the color of tooth enamel and is likely to impact children ages eight and younger as their teeth grow in. As a result, it is not recommended to give children fluoride toothpaste- especially as they develop the motor skills to properly brush and not swallow the paste.

A dentist may dissuade a patient from using fluoride toothpaste if they experience an allergic reaction, or if the individual feels strongly about the amount of fluoride in their daily lives. Fluoride-free formulas offer the same cleaning power and is recommended over not using toothpaste; the difference is that on average, fluoride formulas reduce the number of cavities and occurrence of tooth decay one may experience over their lifetime.

In general, trace amounts of fluoride in drinking water works to improve the oral health of our communities and the use of fluoride toothpaste is safe for adults. The decision to use fluoride toothpaste lies with the individual, but he or she may need to take extra steps such as mouthwash and flossing to ensure they receive the cavity-fighting benefits normally provided by fluoride formulas.

For more information regarding dental exams, contact Drs. Freund and Waterloo today at 847-251-8990 or visit www.villagedentalpc.com.

How Effective is Mouthwash for Oral Hygiene? | Kenilworth Dentist

A woman with mint on her tongue as a visual way to represent clean teeth and fresh breath

Mouthwash may seem like an unnecessary step for one’s oral care routine, and it’s true that in general, you can go without it. Yet, mouthwash could be a great way to gain peace of mind, keep tarter buildup at bay, and make you feel fresh before starting your day. If you are particularly prone to cavities or have been advised this step may be a great addition to your routine, it’s worth investigating.

How does mouthwash work?

Incorporating mouthwash into your care routine can help prevent periodontal disease, and an extra helping of fluoride from a rinse can help keep a tooth that is prone to cavities clean. Mouthwash works to reduce the number of bad bacteria in your mouth that cause plaque, and later cavities, to form. Mouthwash will also freshen your breath, so if you give your mouth a rinse before your next date night or important meeting, it’s certainly not going to work against you.

Can my child use mouthwash?

As a general rule, children under the age of six should not use mouthwash, as their risk for consumption rises. Once your child has developed the ability to properly swish and rinse their mouthwash, is when he or she can begin using it with supervision. Additionally, parents should opt for child-friendly washes to make the transition into using it more fun, and so it doesn’t potentially harm them if they do accidentally swallow it.

Which ingredients should a mouthwash have?

The active ingredients in mouthwash are what allow the advertisements to claim their value. Bacteria-fighting ingredients such as cetylpyridinium chloride, zinc gluconate, or quaternary ammonium are the three most common ones. Each of them works to provide the preventative benefits you’re looking for.

Are natural washes effective?

Fluoride can be a controversial mineral, with opinions split over its effectiveness, and potential to harm oral health rather than aid in protecting it. Whatever someone’s reasoning, fluoride isn’t necessary. Natural mouthwashes utilize essential oils or ingredients such as garlic to act as an astringent and have been proven effective at preventing gum disease and reducing bad bacteria.

For more information regarding dental exams, contact Drs. Freund and Waterloo today at 847-251-8990 or visit www.villagedentalpc.com.

Drs. Chad Freund and Cathy Waterloo proudly serves Kenilworth and all surrounding areas.

Halloween Candy Tips for Parents | Kenilworth Dentist

Here we are – on the brink of the scariest holiday of the year. Your tiny ghosts and goblins will soon be begging to go trick-or-treating. And this is where a parent starts to worry. How do I let my child celebrate this spooky fun without ruining their pretty smile? And while things have changed and Halloween isn’t quite the same as last year, ask yourself – how can I monitor my child’s oral health during this sugar-infused time of year? Here are some pediatric dental tips to keep in mind when going through your little monsters’ stash:

Remember: Tiny humans live for this day. Not only do they get free candy from the neighbors, but they get to be anything they want for one whole day. That’s a dream for most kids! Depriving them of the sweets will not only make your child upset but won’t make life at home very peaceful.

Instead of denying them the sweets, have them choose a set number of candies they want the most and let them have them. In addition to the limitation of sweet treats, set up a time of day that your child will be able to eat that candy. Similar to snack time at school, having a time when your little one knows a snack is allowed teaches them that snacking isn’t an all-day event, making them less inclined to crave sweets all day. Afterwards, have them rinse with a glass of water to keep cavities at bay.

When sorting through the Halloween sacks, save the favorites and get rid of the rest. Out of sight, out of mind. Bonus? You can have your own stash or donate them to others in need. Everyone should have Halloween candy, just in moderation.

For more information regarding snoring, contact Drs. Freund and Waterloo today at 847-251-8990 or visit www.villagedentalpc.com.

Drs. Chad Freund and Cathy Waterloo proudly serves Kenilworth and all surrounding areas.