Why You Shouldn’t Be Eating Popcorn with Braces | Kenilworth Dentist

It’s a staple to every movie night. During the holidays, they’re shaped into a ball with things like caramel or marshmallow. It’s delicious and somewhat healthy, depending on the way you consume it. Yes, I’m talking about popcorn. Those tiny kernels of goodness are a favorite during the autumn season, but there is a sector of human that can’t enjoy this fluffy treat – people with braces.

Yes, for our patients receiving orthodontic care, there is a list of foods that aren’t going to be best during this time. But there is a reason popcorn isn’t good for our patients with braces – the corn hull. Popped corn hulls are the leftover parts of corn seeds, which get hard and stay in popcorn kernels after the popcorn is popped. These hulls can easily become trapped in between your braces and your teeth, and very difficult to remove.

Hard or crunchy foods are off limits during this time has a double component you need to watch out for. Damaging your braces is easy when the foods you eat are hard. Not only can you bend the wires, but you can snap off the brackets, which means an additional trip to the orthodontist. And when food gets stuck in between your braces, it can cause tooth decay and cavities. Dental hygiene is imperative with braces.

The good news is that there are lots of delicious snacks you can enjoy while your teeth get straightened out. And they are arguably much more fun to eat:

  • soft baked cookies, muffins, and baked goods
  • baked (not fried) potato chips
  • soft crackers
  • cheese slices
  • baked kale or carrot chips
  • veggie sticks
  • yogurt
  • strawberry, pear, banana, or other soft fruit slices
  • hard-boiled eggs
  • soft pretzels
  • soft chocolate

For more information regarding snacks with braces, contact Drs. Freund and Waterloo today at 847-251-8990 or visit www.villagedentalpc.com.

Drs. Chad Freund and Cathy Waterloo proudly serves Kenilworth and all surrounding areas.

When You’re Adjusting to Braces: Mealtime | Kenilworth Dentist

When a patient needs braces, one of the first questions is how will my daily life change? Will I still be able to eat my favorite foods? How do I brush my teeth? And it’s safe to say that there will be some adjustments made to the way you brush and floss, and your diet will change a bit as well, especially if you choose to have traditional braces. And this is because brackets are attached to your teeth using a basic dental cement, so eating foods that are hard or sticky can cause the brackets to pop off, which will mean an unexpected dental visit for repair and delaying your treatment.

Not only that, but food that cannot be cleaned off braces with a simple brushing and flossing, which may lead to discoloration and decay of your teeth. Things aren’t going to drastically change, but you will need to learn to do things differently for a while. The good thing is, if you stay on task, your experience will go smoothly. Here is a quick reference guide to the various food choices that will become suspect during your times wearing braces:

  • Absolutely no gum, sugarless or otherwise
  • Chewy foods like bagels, hard rolls and licorice
  • Crunchy foods, such as popcorn, ice and chips
  • Sticky foods, including caramels, taffy and gum
  • Hard foods like nuts are healthy but can break your teeth like hard candy, so beware
  • Crispy foods you bite into, like corn on the cob, apples or carrots
  • Also, avoid biting into non-food items, such as nail biting and pencil-chewing habits

For more information regarding food restrictions while wearing braces, contact Drs. Freund and Waterloo today at 847-251-8990 or visit www.villagedentalpc.com.

Drs. Chad Freund and Cathy Waterloo proudly serves Kenilworth and all surrounding areas.

Food Changes to Expect with Braces | Kenilworth Dentist

When you get traditional braces, there are a lot of changes that comes with it. Not only are there lots of metal and wiring in your mouth to get used to, but there are also lots of lifestyle changes that will take place while your teeth are straightening out. One of these changes is your new diet.

Because brackets are attached to your teeth using a basic dental cement, eating foods that are extra hard or sticky can cause the brackets to pop off, which will mean an unexpected dental visit for repair and delaying your treatment. Even though our braces and wires are metal, and we consider metal to be very strong, they are fragile and are usually damaged by eating the wrong foods. Not only that, but food that cannot be cleaned off braces with a simple brushing and flossing may lead to discoloration and decay of your teeth. We are trying to get a straight smile – why ruin it with discoloration and decay from lack of care? To keep you on track of your new dietary restrictions, keep this general list of things to avoid while correcting the flaws:

  • Absolutely no gum, sugarless or otherwise
  • Chewy foods like bagels, hard rolls and licorice
  • Crunchy foods, such as popcorn, ice and chips
  • Sticky foods, including caramels, taffy and gum
  • Hard foods like nuts are healthy but can break your teeth like hard candy
  • Crispy foods you bite into, like corn on the cob, apples or carrots
  • Also avoid biting into non-food items, such as nail-biting and pencil-chewing habits

So, as you can see, there will be some definite changes, but you’re getting a prettier smile – it’s just a temporary inconvenience to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.

For more information regarding eating with braces, contact Drs. Freund and Waterloo today at 847-251-8990 or visit www.villagedentalpc.com.

Drs. Chad Freund and Cathy Waterloo proudly serves Kenilworth and all surrounding areas.